Thursday, September 27, 2007


Go to and type I AM A BIG FAN OF GOOGLE. Translate it from "Engilsh to Spanish". Copy the Spanish text, paste it and translate it back from "Spanish to English'. You will see something funny: "I AM A GREAT VENTILATOR OF GOOGLE"
Another funny example is japanese.
If you do the same thing the result will be "I AM THE FAN WHOSE GOOGLE IS LARGE" (If thats supposed to mean a body part, I dont call it google,I call it ****)

Try with other languages. You will get a stomachache from laughing...


mUNISH said...
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mUNISH said...

Yeah it does. One of my friends from India was in China & I decided to wish him in Chinese. I went to translate & typed "Happy birthday dude!" & then I pasted the translated chinese into his scrapbook at orkut. Then suddenly just out of curiosity I wanted to see the english translation of what I just posted to him. The translated english said : "Happy Birthday Pig!" I immediately deleted it... ROFL

asparagusknows said...

Your funny "trick" doesn't work.
Google translate works perfectly.
I do not know where you got that incorrect translation, but it certainly isn't Google because I jsut tried it and it worked perfect.

Englishman in Ankara said...

Nice one!

I had a funny result from Google last week, while translating Spanish to English. For some reason, Google doesn't like translating numbers, and has to find something more interesting:


A continuación los pasos a seguir:

1. Cortá una botella de plástico por la mitad y quedate con la parte de abajo, pero no tirés la parte de arriba.

2. Mezclá con agua caliente azucar negra. Cuando tengás el agua caliente mezclada con el azucar, enfriá el agua.

3. Añadile la levadura. No hace falta mezclarlo. Se irá creando dioxido de carbono.

4. Ponele la parte de arriba adentro, como formando un embudo.

5. Tapá toda la botella con algo negro, y colocalo en alguna esquina de tu casa.

English, according to Google:

Here are the steps to follow:
1. Cut a plastic bottle in half and stay with the bottom, but do not throw the top.

Two. Mix brown sugar with hot water. When you have the hot water mixed with sugar, water cooled.

Three. Anadiles yeast. Needless to mix. Will go creating carbon dioxide.

April. Leave top inside, as forming a funnel.

May. Cover the entire bottle with something black, and place it in any corner of your home.


Englishman in Ankara said...

They've sorted out the "Fan" trick, it doesn't work anymore. But, after all, isn't a fan also a ventilator? :-)